See below for a brief description of my offerings


My offerings are all made available under the terms of the “GNU General Public Licence” developed by the Free Software Foundation. A copy of this licence has to be deemed included as part of the downloads. The spreadsheets are all written for Microsoft Excel or for Open Office Calc. Few of them require that macros be enabled and some require too that solver add-in be activated. No passwords are used, so consider yourself free to add any modification you like or need



Many of the documents have been issued by myself to collect and summarize all the information I found and many others that I found useful for my professional knowledge enhancement



All photos refer to the jobs listed in my Curriculum Vitae



All video refer to the jobs listed in my Curriculum Vitae for a better explanation of the production process or for a better illustration of some particular machines/equipment


provate_downloadsPRIVATE DOWNLOADS

Reserved for my personal use