The spreadsheets have been developed with the aim to allow a fast calculation about structural design according to different codes and/or Standards, duly and clearly stated, and technical literature. Even if it is needed a minimum of engineering knowledge, the spreadsheets have been produced to be used both by novice and expert users. The powerful of spreadsheets allows to quickly get the answer about the interested problem, simply inserting the inputs for the computation, without to study specific tutorials or programs. Some of them are supported by explaining report.

The language of the item description refers to the language used in the spreadsheet (i.e. english, italian, french, spanish)

  • SW001 Vagliatura risultante 3 inerti  vagliatura
  • SW002 Muro di blocchi – calcolo  muroblocchi
  • SW003 Media mobile per cls  medmob
  • SW004 Assessment of in situ compressive strength of concrete cores : software and formulas summary  insitucoresw
Concrete box
  • SW051 CANDE-Culvert ANalysis and DEsign : finite elements program developed for the structural design and analysis of buried culverts and structures for all shapes  CANDE
  • SW052 Calcolo struttura scatolare e configurazione macchina di prova a schiacciamento  box
  • SW053 Scatolari prefabbricati – calcolo idraulico  boxidraul
Concrete pipes & canals
  • SW101 Manhole installation design DD41  manhole
  • SW102 Canali e canalette prefabbricate  canali
  • SW103 Concrete pressure pipes AWWA C300 – C302 – C303  pressureAWWA
  • SW104 Calculo mecanico de tubos de hormigon : zanja, terraplen, zanja terraplenada, zanja inducida, hinca  ATHA
  • SW105 DD9 – Calculation of D-load pipe strength – imperial units  DloadDD9
Penstocks & utility
  • SW151 Elbow and reducing elbow AWWA C208  elbow
  • SW152 Reducer AWWA C208  reducer
  • SW153 WYE branch design AWWA C208  wye
  • SW154 Tangential outlet design AWWA C208  tee
  • SW155 Dihedral angle calculation  dihedral
  • SW156 Branch calculation ASME B31.9  asme
  • SW157 Section properties calculation by Doug Jenkins  sectionDJ
  • SW158 Tolerances fit calculator  tolerance
  • SW159 Calcolo curve circolari e clotoidi  clotoidi
  • SW160 Visualizzatore tolleranze di accoppiamento  vistoll
  • SW161 Linear interpolation spreadsheet  linearint
  • SW251 Unioni bullonate – Promozione acciaio  bulloni
  • SW252  Torsional analysis of steel members AISC DG09  torsionAISC
  • SW253
  • SW254 Calculation of mechanical characteristics of sections  sections
  • SW255 Unioni saldate Promozione Acciaio  saldature
  • SW256 Travi alveolari con fori rotondi  alvrotondi
  • SW257 Travi alveolari con fori sinusoidali  alvsinus
  • SW258 Forno elettrico per fusione acciaio : calcolo mattoni rifacimento volta  forno
  • SW259 Carico di punta profili singoli e accoppiati  buckling
  • SW260 Spring calc/calcolo molle  spring
  • SW261 Steel frame design – xls  frame
  • SW262 Verifica parapetto secondo UNI EN 13374  parapetti