All docs listed hereunder either have been produced by myself or I found them useful during my career, both in main office of the company I worked for, or on site during plant/machines erection. These have been recorded on my PC to provide an always available “duly checked engineering manual”, without loosing time in further wearing researches.
The language of the item description refers to the language of the document (i.e. english, italian, french, spanish)
Concrete & soil mechanics
- DC001 Guide to concrete repair manual – USBR repair
- DC002 Design of structures and foundations for vibrating machines – Arya/O’Neill/Pincus 1979 vibrmach
- DC003 Foundations & vibrations founvibr
- DC004 Mix design manual – Durocrete mixdesign
- DC005 Il principio del mix design – Collepardi 1991 mixcollepardi
- DC006 Cold weather concreting – ACI 306R-10 coldweather
- DC007 The European guidelines for self-compacting concrete – 2005 SCCeu
- DC008 Multilingual dictionary for concrete dictionary
- DC009 Angle de declivité des terres declivio
- DC010 Pendenze e percentuali pendenze
- DC011 Instabilità delle strade : cause e rimedi strade
- DC012 Timber pile design piles
- DC013 Wood handbook USDA wood
- DC014 Concrete paving paving
- Dc015 Serbatoi in c.a. concrtank
- DC016 Travi REP progetto beamREP
- DC017 Calcolo pali in c.a. centrifugato palicac
- DC018 Poles design poles
- DC019 Calcestruzzo strutturale : linee guida 1996 clsstrutt
- DC020 La rigidezza equivalente alla Meyerhof estesa a telai a luci disuguali – De Nicolo/Gatti/Odoni 1991 meyerhof
- DC021 European precast book 2008 : list of members and associate members nation by nation BIBM2008
- DC022 Dimensionamento di pavimentazioni in masselli autobloccanti in cls in ambito urbano – Assobeton 2005 sottofondi
- DC023 Valutazione della pressione del cls sulle pareti dei casseri a grande superficie – La Prefabbricazione presscasseri
- DC024 Progettare con travi REP – AA.VV. travirep
- DC025 Blast resistant concrete blast
- DC026 Concrete strength classes conclass
- DC027 Old rebar characteristics oldrebar
- DC028 Design of monopole bases polebase
- DC029 Sul calcolo di stabilità dei pali in c.a. per linee elettriche – Gossi palicac
- DC030 Pali di fondazione : indagine tecnica ed economica – Borelli/Pereswiet-Soltan 1975 palifond
- DC031 Solai e pareti a doppia lastra – Assobeton solaiAssob
- DC032 Flood control with precast concrete items flood
- DC033 Come gestire la presenza di acqua di falda in cantiere : da emergenza a condizione ordinaria di progettazione falda
- DC034 Design considerations for tapered prestressed concrete poles – Spun prestressed concrete poles theory prestrpoles
- DC035 Strutture prefabbricate per sottopassi – Antonucci/Cimbali/Menditto 1982 sottopassi
- DC036 Restoration of RC structures by the use of migrating corrosion inhibitors – Shape coeff. for conversion of ground snow loads to roof snow loads – Effect of torque on the reinforcement of precast concrete beams with/without column connections BIBM1999
- DC037 Circular concrete tanks without prestressing – PCA 1993 circtank
- DC038 Rinforzo di archi e volte – AA.VV. archivolte
- DC039 Circular prefabricated concrete tanks circRCtank
- DC040 Mix design ACI PCA mixACIPCA
- DC041 Structural engineer’s pocket book engpocket
- DC042 Structural foundation designer’s manual foundmanual
- DC043 Elastic solutions for soil and rock mechanics – Poulos/Davis – 1974 elsolut
- DC044 Strutture prefabbricate : catalogo tipologie e connessioni strtipol
- DC045 Hennebique : la teoria del c.a. alle origini Hennebiqueorig
- DC046 Tunnel design tunnel
- DC047 Masonry arch bridge – AA.VV. masarch
- DC048 Peso materiali da costruzione pesomc
- DC049 Solai leggeri solaiDIN
- DC050 Coperture covers
- DCA01 Fiber Reinforced Concrete FRC Fibre fibre
- DCA02 Steel to concrete joint design concrsteel
Bolts & fasteners
- DC051 Fasteners design manual – NASA fastNASA
- DC052 Collegamenti bullonati e saldati – Annunziata collegamenti
- DC053 Design guide 24 : hollow structural section connection – AISC AISC24
- DC054 Guide to design criteria for bolted and welded joints – Kulak/Fisher/Struik 2nd edition joints
- DC055 Giunti bullonati e saldati joints
- DC056 Bolted flange design bflange
- DC057 Collegamenti bullonati – appunti di teoria teoria
- DC058 Bolted joints design and behavior – Roy ver 0602 roy
- DC059 All about screw threads threads
- DC060 Tolerance on threads – ISO threadtol
- DC061 Typical steel connections typsteelconn
- DC062 AWC TR12 dowel equation AWCdowel
Concrete and steel pressure pipes
- DC101 Tuberia presion AFTHAP afthap
- DC102 Pressure pipes leakage and bursting leakage
- DC103 Pressure pipes tapping tapping
- DC104 Tubi a pressione in cls armato e/o precompresso – Turazza 1956 turazza
- DC105 Pressure pipe production vademecum STF
- DC106 Penstocks design literature penstock
- DC107 Hoesch’s steel spigot profiles hoesch
- DC108 Losal’s steel spigot profiles losal
- DC109 Pressure pipes design manual Part 1 – production technologies, ruling standards, steel joints part1
- DC110 Pressure pipes design manual Part 2 – steel cylinder, concrete core production, HTS wire wrapping part2
- DC111 Pressure pipes design manual Part 3 – coating, lab, pipeline laying, penstocks, bibliografy part3
- DC112 Guidelines for the design of buried steel pipes – FEMA/ASCE 2001 buriedsteel
- DC113 Prestressed pipe cylinder type production factory in Argentina – Dragados y Construcciones 1998 dragados
- DC114 Buried steel penstocks – AISI 1998 buriedpen
- DC115 Study on pipeline failure – Rosenfeld/Fassett pipefailure
- DC116 Corrosion of prestressing wire in prestressed concrete cylinder pipe – Holley corrosion
- DC117 Welding pressure pipelines and piping system : procedures & tecniques – Lincoln Electric lincoln
- DC118 Concrete pressure pipes tech docs – ACPPA acppatech
- DC119 Guide specifications : installation of concrete pressure pipe, rigid design – Ameron ameronrigid
- DC120 Concrete pressure pipe story PCPstory
- DC121 Colpo d’ariete : metodi di calcolo e applicazioni ariete
- DC122 Tubi centrifugati armati SCAC – Norme ANDIS SCAC
- DC123 Empleo de armaduras longitudinales no-pretensadas en tubos de hormigon pretensados tangencialmente armadura
- DC124 Eliminare colpo d’ariete nei circuiti oleodinamici ariete2
Concrete sewage pipes
- DC151 Culvert glossary glossary
- DC152 Compaction charts under construction loads costrloads
- DC153 Circumferential cracking cracking
- DC154 Culvert design USA HEC26 culvertHEC
- DC155 Classificazione locomotive locomotive
- DC156 Comparison of pipeline design installation installation
- DC157 Installation comparison owners engineers owners
- DC158 Selected materials bedding bedding
- DC159 Influence of bedding support influence
- DC160 Catalogo Turbomaster Packer Head Machine Turbomaster
- DC161 Box culvert boxculvert
- DC162 Pannelli di legno per microtunnelling/spingitubo : caratteristiche tecniche packer
- DC163 Wood packer for microtunnelling : technical specifications jacking
- DC164
- DC165 Buried pipe SIDD SIDD
- DC166 Heger design heger
- DC167 Reinforced concrete pipe design – Morris morris
- DC168 Manual de càlculo, diseño e instalaciòn de tubos de hormigòn armado – ATHA athamanual
- DC169 Tubazioni in cls : manuale di progettazione e utilizzo – Assobeton 2004 assobetonman
- DC170 Dimensionnement mécanique des canalisations d’assainissement – CERIB ceribtuyaux
- DC171 Ouvrages enterrés : tuyaux en béton armé et non armé – Guerrin/Daniel 1969 guerrin
- DC172 Tubi Gres : diagrammi e schemi – Gres tubigres
- DC173 Design and construction of concrete sewers – Portland Cement Association 1968 pca
- DC174 Tabelle per il calcolo statico dei canali di fognatura – Zäschke 1973 zaeschke
- DC175 Calcolo statico di tubazioni interrate di sezione normalizzata – Netzer 1981 netzer
- DC176 Concrete pipe design manual – ACPA 2011 ACPAdm
- DC177 Review of the evolution of the behavior and design of buried concrete pipes theories – Nebraska Dept of Roads 2006 NDOR
- DC178 Literature for pipe installation pipeinstall
- DC179
- DC180 Concrete pipes technical design guide – CPSA 2001 cpsa
- DC181 CERIB fiches tecniques ceribFT
- DC182 Risposta delle tubazioni discontinue alle deformazioni del terreno – Guercio/Magini/Pallavicini 2002 tubdiscont
- DC183 Box culvert design boxdesign
Engineering formulas
- DC201 Elliptic rings design – Burke – NACA TN444 1933 elliptic
- DC202 Mechanical vibrations : theory and problems – W. Seto 1964 mechvibr
- DC203 Travi raccolta formule travi
- DC204 Civil engineering formulas – Hicks – 2009 civilfor
- DC205 Fractions and percentage fractions
- DC206 Concentrazioni delle tensioni tensconc
- DC207 Beam and frame formulas beamframe
- DC208 Cam design camdesign
- DC209 Calettamento forzato calettamento
- DC210 Beam design formulas with shear and moments diagrams – AWC DA6 awcda6
- DC211 Quadrilatero articolato – collegamento torsionale con chiavetta – calettamento forzato – macchine di legno meccraz
- DC212 Meccanica razionale : la risoluzione egli esercizi – Tonti 1970 meccrazTonti
- DC213 Hertz theory literature Hertz
- DC214 Moments, shears and reactions for continuous highway bridges – AISC – 1986 moments
- DC215 The column analogy method – Hardy Cross HCross
- DC216 Guard rail impact loads impctload
Handling & lifting
- DC251 Hoisting and rigging lifting
- DC252 Wire rope engineering handbook wirehb
- DC253 Wire rope system US Navy wirenavy
- DC254 Lifting beam and spreader design liftbeam
- DC255 Funi di canapa canapa
- DC301 Lab for concrete pressure pipes presslab
- DC302 Lab for sewage concrete pipes sewlab
- DC303 Manuale delle prove di collaudo labtutorial
Math & mass properties
- DC351 Figure piane piane
- DC352 Superfici e volumi corpi solidi solidi
- DC353 Mass properties mass
- DC354 Mathematical dictionary – Jason Abdelnoor 1979 mathdictionary
Retaining wall
- DC401 Retaining wall : basics for non-geotechnical engineers wall
- DC402 Terra Armata terra
- DC403 Rockery design and construction guidelines rockery
- DC404 Soil mechanics design manual US Navy NAFAC DM7 soilnavy
- DC405 Pali fondazione indagine tecnica 1965 pali1965
- DC406 Segmental retaining walls retwall
- DC407 Steep reinforced slopes design – Rimoldi steep
- DC408 Reinforced soil retaining wall design – Rimoldi/Montanelli/Recalcati reinfretwall
- DC409 Geotextiles guidelines – Manuale geotessili geotex
- DC410 Coefficienti di spinta attiva e passiva in condizioni sismiche EC8 spintaEC8
- DC411 Spinta vari terreni su muri in c.a. spinteterr
- DC412 Mur fait de blocs et renforcé par des géotextiles murblocs
- DC413 Barriere stradali tipo New Jersey : dettagli costruttivi – Soc. Autostrade per l’Italia 2004 newjersey
- DC414 Muri di sostegno – AAVV murisostegno
- DC415 Bridge abutements design abutement
- DC416 Procedura per la valutazione della riserva della sicurezza sismica dei muri di sostegno – S.I.I.V. 1998 SIIV
- DC451 Handbook of comparative world steel standards – ASTM DS67B steelcomp
- DC452 Exterior coating of steel structures NAVFAC stcoat
- DC453 Exposed structural steel CISC exposed
- DC454 Costruzioni in acciaio costracc
- DC455 Mechanical engineering design – Dudynes/Nisbett mechdesign
- DC456 Structural engineer’s professional training manual – Adams – ASCE profdesign
- DC457 Crane runways design crane
- DC458 Pedestrian bridge pedestrianbridge
- DC459 Antenna structures antenna
- DC460 ANAS – storia delle caratteristiche meccaniche dell’acciaio ANASsteel
- DC461 Design of composite beams with large web openings SCI P355 webopen
- DC462 Nodi tipici parametrizzati Castalia nodi
- DC463 Strutture in acciaio – AA.VV. steelstru
- DC464 Steel buildings steelbuil
- DC465 Column base plate design – AISC colbase
- DC466 Steel lactice structures lactice
- DC467 Calcolo travi composte CNR traviCNR
- DC468 Manuale di progettazione per strutture in acciaio inox inox
- DC469 Virtual handbook of steel and composite structures piem
- DC470 Steel structures for cranes cranes
- DC471 Design examples (Specifications for struct steel buldings – Steel construction manual) – AISC 2011 examples
- DC472 Mondiali calcio 1990 : stadio San Siro – Milano sansiro90
- DC473 Réparation et rénovation des structures métalliques – FAME 2014 FAME14
- DC474 Metallurgia – Nicodemi 1971 metallurgia
- DC475 Steel rack design rack
- DC476 Steel rack design further rack2
- DC477 Eurocode 1993 : worked examples EN03wex
- DC478 Typical steel connections stconn
- DC479 Steel building design to Eurocodes SCIpub
- DC480 Column base stiffness basestiffness
- DC481 Column splices splices
- DC482 Stepped column design stepcol
- DC483 Carroponte vie di corsa cranerunway
- DC484 Carichi nei sili siloload
- DC485 Serbatoi acciaio fuori terra steeltank
- DC486 Altalena,giostra, ruota panoramica altalena
- DC487 Non-circular pressure vessel rectvessel
- DC488 HTS steel Redaelli Redaelli
Steel profiles
- DC501 Section characteristics sectionchar
- DC502 Profiles dwg profdwg
- DC503 Profiles listed according to section modulus profmod
- DC504 Hollow structural section connections AISC design guide 24 hollowcon
- DC505 Tubolari CIDECT tubcidect
- DC506 Hollow structural section : connections and trusses CISC hollowcisc
- DC507 Hollow sections in structural applications – CIDECT 2nd edition hollowapplic
- DC508 American steel sections CAD library amCAD
- DC509 Profilati a freddo coldprofiles
- DC510 classificazione profili : instabilità instab
- DC511 Anciens profilés IAO – IAL iaoial
- DC512 Saldatura PoliMi saldPoli
- DC513 Tabelle DIN tabDIN
Steel structures unfolding
- DC551 Calcolo sviluppi senza tracciare – Hoepli sviluppi
- DC552 Unfolding steel sheets tutorial unfolding
- title 3
Utility & Leisure
- DC601 Roughness ISO 1302-2002 roughness
- DC602 Norme armonizzate per marcatura CE dei prodotti da costruzione di legno legnonorm
- DC603 Frazioni e percentuali frazioni
- DC604 Inches conversion table inchcon
- DC605 Heat straightening guide for steel bridge members straightening
- DC606 Raddrizzare a caldo raddrizzatura
- DC607 Restored wind mill in Portugal windmill
- DC608 Codice etico ingg civili europei/Code of professional conduct for european civil engineers profcode
- DC609 L’attività del Direttore dei Lavori delle opere strutturali 2015 DL
- DC610 Muro fiorito : fiori e piante fioriepiante
- DC611 Tolerances fit calculator tolerancecalc
- DC612 Gasbeton Siporex gasbeton
- DC613 Excel multilanguage exclang
- DC614 Balance quality requirements of rigid rotors – ISO 1940/1 balance
- DC615 Spazi manovra bulloni manovra
- DC616 Canto degli uccelli uccelli
- DC617 Emulsioni preparazione miscele emulsioni
- DC618 Nodi marinai nodi
- DC619 Alfabeto Morse morse
- DC620 Sheet and wire gauge gauge
- DC621 Multilingual tech dictionary IT EN FR DEU ESP RUS – IRITECNA 1992 techdiction
- DC622 Manuale del tracciatore meccanico – Hoepli 1961 intersections
- DC623 Lavorazione della lamiera : piegatura, profilatura, calandratura – Oehler 1976 lavlamiera
- DC624 Lingua inglese : miglioriamola un po’ englgram
- DC625 Scale a chiocciola scalechiocciola
- DC626 Restored water-mill in Italy watermill
- DC627 Lingua inglese : abbreviazioni e acronimi abbreviations
- DC628 Tenute per dispositivi oleoidraulici tenuteoleo
- DC629 Bicycle wheel as prestressed structure wheel
- DC630 Lingua inglese : tranelli tranelli
- DC631 Ingenious mechanisms for designers and inventors – Jones – Vol 1 – 1930 mechan01
- DC632 Ingenious mechanisms for designers and inventors – Jones – Vol 2 – 1936 mechan02
- DC633 Ingenious mechanisms for designers and inventors – Jones – Vol 3 – 1951 mechan03
- DC634 Ingenious mechanisms for designers and inventors – Jones – Vol 4 – 1967 mechan04
- DC635 Animated mechanical mechanisms – Nguyen Duc Thang – 2014 animmech
- DC636 Computing mechanisms and linkages compmech